Learn From The Experts:
Why You Should Replace Your Air Filter Now

When was the last time you replaced the air filter in your Frisco, Texas, home? Understand why air filters are such an important component of your home’s HVAC system and learn why you should replace yours now.

Your HVAC System Will Last Longer

For most of the year, you should replace your HVAC system’s air filter at least every three months. During seasons with more extreme weather, especially summer, plan to change the air filter once per month. If you can’t remember the last time you tossed an old air filter and replaced it with a clean, new one, change it now.

The air filter’s primary job is to trap dirt, dust, and debris, keeping it from entering your HVAC system. A system that becomes clogged with debris will require frequent repairs and risks higher chances of experiencing breakdowns. Keep your air filter new to extend the life and functionality of your entire HVAC system.

Your Energy Costs Might Decrease

If you only change your system’s air filter once or twice a year, you’ve probably noticed that it’s accumulated substantial dirt and dust. When a significant amount of debris builds up on the filter, however, your HVAC unit has to work harder to move air through the system. Not only does this decrease efficiency, but it also raises utility costs. Use a clean filter, and you’re likely to benefit from lower utility bills, too.

Your Indoor Air Quality Will Improve

Though the filter’s main job is to protect the HVAC system, most filters also help your family breathe easier. Clean filters are much better at trapping everything from larger particles like dirt and dust to smaller contaminants like smoke and bacteria. There’s no need to breathe stale, contaminated air when you can enjoy cleaner, healthier air year-round with a fresh air filter.

Don’t put off filling your home with clean, healthy indoor air. Call Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating to learn more about our preventive maintenance agreements today: 888-414-4655.


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