The Environmental Protection Agency recently ruled that the level of indoor pollutants is often higher inside a home than out. That means there’s more need than ever for effective products capable of keeping a household’s indoor air quality clean and healthful. The causes of common indoor contaminants include pet dander, smoke, mold, viruses, bacteria and … Continued Keep Reading
You may have seen the blue Energy Star logo on major appliances around your home. Did you know that those appliances are saving you money each time you use them? Energy Star is a federal program designed to save you money on energy costs and help reduce pollution of the environment. The Energy Star program … Continued Keep Reading
Homeowners wondering “Where are Carrier air conditioners made?” may be surprised to know that Carrier actually manufactured the first operational commercial air conditioner. In 1906, Willis Carrier received a patent for what was then officially called an “Apparatus For Treating Air.” Carrier had invented it four years before as a project to control the atmosphere … Continued Keep Reading
Afraid your ailing A/C unit may not last till fall? Have you been putting off replacing it because of financial concerns? Federal energy tax credits can help ease the financial burden. They will save you money at tax time, and you’ll continue to save money year-round with a new energy-efficient A/C. These credits expire at … Continued Keep Reading
Like an air conditioner, a heat pump cooling system needs to be maintained in order to be at its most efficient during summer’s hottest months. A severely neglected heat pump can cost you 10-25 percent more in energy. A properly running heat pump cooling system runs more efficiently, and helps you save money on energy … Continued Keep Reading
To make the most of your energy dollars and stay comfortable throughout this summer, make sure conditioned air gets where it needs to go by inspecting your ducts for cracks, leaks, and disconnected sections and sealing them. Addressing ductwork issues has many benefits: Comfort Duct sealing improves comfort problems like rooms that are too hot … Continued Keep Reading
The weather in Texas can be pretty brutal during the summer, making you extremely grateful for a working air conditioner. However, you don’t want to be leaving the fresh, albeit hot, outdoor air for a house full of stagnant, polluted indoor air. There are a few simple things you can do to improve indoor air … Continued Keep Reading
When the lights go out in Collin County, whaddya gonna do? Are you prepared for the possibility of a long term power outage? The Northeast last year experienced weeks without electricity in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy resulting in much suffering and several fatalities. Many of the survivors seemed to be amazed that it could … Continued Keep Reading
Why do air conditioners freeze up? If it happens to you, turn it off. Otherwise, you can damage the compressor, resulting in costly repairs. Once all ice is melted, it’s safe to use the air conditioner, which should start right back cooling things down. The unit may be frozen if it seems to run OK except … Continued Keep Reading
Putting together an energy saving strategy and executing it could be one of the best uses of your time. Cooling and heating takes approximately half of the average household’s energy budget, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, so a thoughtful strategy will keep more money in your pocket over the long haul. Cooling Create money-saving … Continued Keep Reading
Many homeowners find it difficult to balance comfort and energy savings, especially when two or more occupants disagree on the temperature settings. So what should thermostats be set at in summer and winter? Use this guide as a starting point or reference as to what thermostats should be set at in summer and winter, and … Continued Keep Reading
Throughout most of Texas, the summer time is not only hot, but also humid — and as you know, moisture can make you feel even hotter. Relief from the heat usually means relief from the humidity. A/Cs and dehumidifiers are crucial for this purpose. While an A/C unit may cool the air and help cut … Continued Keep Reading