Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Signs It’s Time for Furnace Maintenance

Signs It’s Time for Furnace Maintenance

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A properly functioning furnace is essential for a cozy and comfortable winter in Lucas, Texas. It’s easy to take your furnace for granted, but it requires regular care and attention to function optimally. These problem signs can indicate that it’s time to schedule furnace maintenance for your home.

Inadequate Heating

If your thermostat is set to a temperature that your home never actually reaches, your furnace isn’t functioning properly. Use a separate thermometer to confirm the temperature in your home if you suspect your thermostat isn’t functioning properly. A maintenance visit can help you determine which component of your system needs help.

Higher Utility Bills

Are your utility bills creeping upward even though the weather isn’t changing? While you’ll see a moderate increase when it gets cold enough to begin turning on the heat, you shouldn’t see an unexpected leap in your heating expenses. If you feel that your heating expenses are higher than they should be, it’s time to schedule a maintenance visit. A simple tune-up may remedy any errors in your system.

Unusual Noises

Your furnace should function relatively quietly. If you’re hearing bangs, pops, or thwapping noises, your system most likely needs a tune-up or repair. If the problem is as simple as a loose part, a regular maintenance visit can get everything back in line.

Over a Year Without a Visit

You should schedule furnace maintenance once a year, even when your system is functioning properly. This preventive maintenance will help lower your utility expenses and increase the life of your system. If more than 12 months have passed since your last visit, it’s time to make a new appointment.

Contact Bill Joplin’s at 888-414-4655 to schedule a preventive maintenance plan and you’ll never forget an important tune-up again. Maintenance agreements also come with a 10 percent discount on parts and priority service for emergency repairs.


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