Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

3 Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill in Texas

3 Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill in Texas

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Texas winters aren’t as bad as in other parts of the country, but many Texas homeowners may still see a high electric bill during the winter season. There are many cost-effective and efficient ways to cut energy costs without sacrificing comfort during Texas winters. Let’s look at three ways to lower your electric bill.

1. Insulation

Make sure the attic is well insulated. Insulation is important in winter to keep heat from escaping and to keep cold air from coming in. Since heat rises, it’s no surprise that a good amount of heat is lost through the roof. Insulating your attic is a good way to stay energy-efficient during Texas winters. It’s also a good idea to check the insulation in other ceilings, walls, floors, and crawl spaces.

2. Keep Your Thermostat Set Appropriately

The ideal thermostat temperature in winter to conserve energy is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Every degree of extra heating increases energy usage by six to eight percent. Also, set ceiling fans on reverse to circulate the heat that rises to the ceiling. If you open the window shades or drapes during the day, you’ll probably be surprised how much the natural sunlight can heat your home during cooler months.

3. Air Seal Your Home

Air leaks are one of the most common reasons for inflated energy bills. You can easily decrease heat loss by air sealing your home. Some methods to air seal your home include holding a candle or incense stick next to windows, doors, corners, electrical outlets, and other places where walls are not solid. If the flame flickers or the smoke from the incense blows in or out, you’ll need to seal the gap by caulking or weather-stripping it.

Energy loss due to poor insulation, setting the thermostat too high in winter, or air leakage can significantly raise your electric bill. Make sure to keep a watchful eye on your home and make sure it’s properly maintained for colder months, or give Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating a call at 469-846-8339 to have a trained technician help you repair or maintain your home and keep your energy expenses down.

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