Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

What Should Your Contractor Check During Routine A/C Maintenance?

What Should Your Contractor Check During Routine A/C Maintenance?

To keep your air conditioner working properly, it’s important to have routine A/C maintenance performed by a qualified professional. Your HVAC technician will make minor repairs and adjustments that keep your air conditioner or heat pump working properly.

You can free up some of the technician’s time by taking care of some minor tasks yourself, such as changing the air filter and cleaning the exterior of the equipment. When the tech can pay more attention to technical issues, you’ll get more thorough, effective maintenance.

The first part of the system maintenance visit should include an overall inspection of the entire system, including the main unit, controls and ductwork. This will give the technician a good idea of the condition of the components, as well as allow him to quickly spot obvious problems that need to be addressed.

After the initial visual inspection, the technician can then move to making needed adjustments and repairs. He should test the system to make sure it runs properly and the controls are operating correctly. He should also take the time to make a safety check of the equipment.

Both indoor and outdoor units of the system should be checked during routine A/C maintenance. The technician should adjust and calibrate thermostats and other controls to provide more precise operation. He should check all electrical connections to make sure they’re tight and, if necessary, should apply any protective coatings. He should also check the coils and look for any refrigerant leaks.

The preventive maintenance visit should include an inspection of the ductwork to ensure it’s clean inside and out and that it’s properly insulated. All sections of ductwork should fit together snugly. The connections between each section should be sealed with mastic — a specialized sealant for ducts — or with metal tape.

For more information on the benefits of regular A/C maintenance, check out Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating’s HVAC maintenance solutions, or call 888-414-4655.

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