Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Top 4 Air Conditioning Repairs in Murphy

Air conditioner units always seem to fail at the most inconvenient times.  Joplin's offers a service plan for maintenance or installation of a newer, more efficient system. An air conditioner system is a complex appliance that can breakdown for a number reasons, but there are four common air conditioner repairs:

Unit Won't Turn On

Many times, an air condition unit will not turn on, but the fan is operating. There are several causes for this. The thermostat may not be operating properly or may be broken. Either way, these conditions can easily disable an air condition system. Once a faulty thermostat is ruled out, you can check the breaker by the unit and the home's circuit breaker. You can reset the breaker once, however, if the system trips again, it's best to call a professional to diagnose and repair the problem. Excessive vegetation and debris could also be the reason the air conditioner has quit. Any debris can easily be sucked into the vents and cause damage to the capacitor. If the capacitor is damaged, it will require an air conditioning repair.

Noisy Air Conditioning Unit

Most air conditioners do make some noise, but loud rattling sounds or vibration can be a red flag. It is possible that the unit was not installed properly. Sometimes, there are squealing sounds which may actually be coming from the air handler. The air handler is responsible for regulating and directing air through the ductwork. Some air handlers are belt-driven, and others have direct-drive motors. If the noise occurs when the motor slips, it's best to shut the system down and call an HVAC contractor. It is likely that an air conditioning repair will be needed.

Air Conditioner Runs But Doesn't Cool

When air is flowing through the vents with no cooled air coming out, it could be a stalled condenser coil. This is the part responsible for producing cold air. Many times, the condenser fan will operate even when the condenser isn't working properly. This can be caused by a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse. It can also indicate a leak or low refrigerant. If the condition is minimal or gradual, it may be due to leaks in the ductwork. In this case, it's a good idea to have the ductwork inspected and sealed.

Ice On Lines

Seeing ice on the lines is a common problem, and there can be number of reasons for this. A dirty evaporator, dirty filter, low refrigerant and defective blower unit may be the culprits. Ice on lines is a situation that needs immediate attention, and it's wise to call an HVAC professional.

For professional air conditioning repair in Murphy, Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating offers excellent service with a 100-percent guarantee on all work. At Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating, the technicians are highly skilled, and service comes with a friendly smile.

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