Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Pet Allergies Got Your Down? We Can Help

It’s difficult to believe—your favorite, four-legged friend who brings you so much joy in your daily life also can cause you so much discomfort in the form of sneezing, wheezing, coughing and blowing your nose. If it’s any consolation, about one in five Americans share your frustration because they, too, suffer from pet allergies. 

Like all types of allergies, pet allergies can be only mitigated, not eliminated, unless you and your pet part ways. Since that’s probably the furthest thought from your mind, adopt a two-pronged approach to address your allergy symptoms. 

First, address the problem at its source—your pet’s fur—by:

  • Brushing your pet every day – The other benefit to ridding your pet of excess fur is that he or she will quickly get used to this treatment and, far from running from you or fighting your efforts, may soon learn to relax and enjoy it.
  • Bathing your pet once a week – Use a mild, fragrance-free pet shampoo and avoid perfumed or scented varieties.
  • Keeping your hands away from your nose and mouth after touching your pet – In fact, wash your hands after every contact you make.
  • Feeding your pet food that includes some fat, which will help moisten his or her skin and reduce some of the natural shedding.

Follow up these efforts by undertaking some vigilant house-cleaning habits:

  • Keep your furniture, floors, counters and other surfaces free from dust and dander, whether you see physical presence of these irritants or not. Keep microfiber dusters throughout your home and try to vacuum several times a week.
  • Keep your little furball off your bed and, for that matter, away from your favorite relaxation spot.
  • Open your windows when you can and use exhaust fans to keep your home well-ventilated and improve the quality of your indoor air.
  • Consider purchasing an air cleaner to fight your pet allergies.

Air cleaners can provide quick and long-lasting relief, but they should be chosen carefully for the best results. Contact Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating for an objective appraisal and recommendation and start breathing easier despite pet allergies.

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