Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

How to Help Your Furnace Live Longer

How to Help Your Furnace Live Longer

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Your furnace is essential to home comfort during the chill of a McKinney, Texas, winter. When the lows dip into the 30s, you’re sure to want a little supplemental heating to keep the home cozy. Make sure your furnace gets the care it needs for a long lifespan.

Set the Thermostat Properly

A programmable thermostat is an excellent tool for improving energy efficiency and extending the life of your furnace. Set the thermostat once and instruct family members not to make adjustments at will. Sticking to smart pre-set temperatures will ease the strain on your system. Keep the home as cool as you can comfortably manage in cold weather months. Set it lower when you’re out of the house during the day or sleeping at night.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

You should have your furnace serviced once a year for optimum performance. Schedule your annual maintenance visit in early fall, before you use your furnace for this first time. This will ensure that the system is clean and tuned up before you begin using it for the season.

Change the Filter Often

You should change the filter in your furnace every one to three months. If you have pets, children, asthma sufferers, or a lot of dust in your home, err on the safer side and mark your calendar for monthly filter changes. This task only takes a few minutes to do, so keep a stockpile of fresh filters on hand so there’s never an excuse to skip the job.

Keep an Ear Out for Trouble

Pay attention to the sounds that your furnace makes. Right after a tune-up, chances are good that anything you hear is normal, so make a mental note of what’s expected from your system. If you hear anything out of the ordinary, contact an HVAC professional immediately. Prompt repairs can prevent major damage.

If you’re overdue for maintenance or suspect your furnace may need a repair, contact Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 888-414-4655.


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