Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

How Can I Ensure My HVAC System Keeps Me Comfortable this Summer?

How Can I Ensure My HVAC System Keeps Me Comfortable this Summer?

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The relative coolness of spring has worn off, and homeowners in McKinney, Texas, are beginning to prepare for the hot summer ahead. Many Texans may be accustomed to the heat, but others can only endure it from the cool comfort of their home. Either way, it’s good to have the option to stay cool. Homeowners can take steps to ensure HVAC system efficiency, which will keep them cool and comfortable this upcoming summer. Here’s how.

Keep the Home Clean

The first (and possibly easiest) step to make sure your HVAC system runs at peak performance is to keep your home clean. Pay careful attention to the area around vents and heat registers, the actual indoor HVAC unit, and the outdoor compressor. When these areas become dirty, it not only lowers your air quality but also lowers the efficiency of your system, keeping you away from cooler air.

Regular Maintenance

If you haven’t already had spring cleaning conducted, consider having a professional come and take a look at your system. They can take care of any issues that hold back your unit’s abilities. Also, keep a close eye on your air filter. You should check (and often replace) a standard filter about once a month. Keeping your filter clean will increase both your indoor air quality and the efficiency of your system.

Use It When You Need It

You might be tempted to keep the air conditioner on full blast all day long, but that can take a toll on an HVAC system. If your thermostat has programmable settings, try giving the air conditioner a break while you’re away at work during the day, and program it to cool things down when you’re on the road home. This will increase the system’s longevity and make sure that you get the cool air when you need it.

Efficiency often equals comfort. If you make sure to maintain the efficiency of your HVAC system, you’re bound to stay cool this summer. If you have any further questions or would like our team to check your system, give us a call at 888-414-4655.


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