Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Air Conditioner Sounds Explained

Air Conditioner Sounds Explained

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Every machine makes some noise. When you turn on the air conditioner in your Celina, Texas, home, you’ll probably hear a click, and then a quiet hum as the machine runs. These are normal sounds. What about the noises that aren’t normal? It’s important to pay attention to the sounds coming from your air conditioner and to know what they could mean for your unit.


If you hear squealing or screeching, it could mean a couple of problems. Your system may have a bad belt that needs to be replaced before it breaks and only causes more problems.

The other problem could be with the motor bearing, which may just need oiling.  But before you whip out the WD-40, think again. Your air conditioner requires special lubricant most homeowners don’t have in their toolboxes.


When your air conditioner thumps, rattles, clanks, or bangs, something is probably loose inside the system, such as the motor mounts or motor bearings. Alternatively, the problem could be that your blower is out of alignment.

Turn your air conditioner off immediately if the sound becomes louder while the blower is on. Something is seriously wrong. Either way, you’ll need to call a professional to take a look.

Rattling in Your Outside Unit

You should never hear rattling noises from your outdoor unit, other than the low whir and hum of the outside compressor and fan. If you do hear rattling, it means that there is either a failing motor or something loose inside the system. The louder the sound, the more serious the problem could be. If the rattling turns into a screaming sound, your compressor could be failing. Do not delay in calling for service.

If you hear a strange noise in your air conditioner, call a professional as soon as possible to diagnose it. It’s possible that we can fix your unit while the problem is still small and prevent a more expensive repair in the future.

When you hear a squealing, rattling, or thumping sound from your air conditioner, give us a call at Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning and Heating at 888-414-4655.


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