Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

4 Places Dust Hides In Your Home

4 Places Dust Hides In Your Home

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Though you’ll never secure a lasting victory in the dust battle, you can keep major accumulation at bay with smart ongoing strategies. Make sure you don’t overlook the sneaky places dust can hide in your Dallas, Texas, home.

Dust Hides in Clean Clothing

You probably think of clean clothing as a fresh haven from dust and dirt, but those fibers make a prime target for dust accumulation. Dust buildup is worst in items you don’t wear regularly, like those sweaters that linger in the back all summer, or suits and dresses reserved for special occasions. To eliminate buildup on these items, seal them in plastic bags or boxes when not in use.

Cozy Bedding

Your bed offers several nooks and crannies where dust can hide. The mattress alone will amass a significant buildup if it’s not protected. Seal your mattress in an allergen proof cover to keep existing dust in and prevent new dust particles from settling. Launder your sheets and blankets once a week to get rid of dust, and use hot water to kill dust mites.

HVAC Filters

The very purpose of your HVAC filter is to catch dust, so it’s no surprise that you’ll find a lot of dust here. The key to minimizing any allergens or asthma symptoms associated with this dust is to change the filter regularly. You should discard your old filter and insert a new one once a month to minimize the dust in your home.

Baseboards and Molding

While you probably sweep or vacuum the floor on a regular basis, you may forget to go to the very edges of the room and deal with baseboards and molding. The flat horizontal surfaces on these areas are so minimal they’re easy to overlook, but they can act as a haven for dust if they’re not wiped down regularly.

If you need additional help improving indoor air quality in your home, contact Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 888-414-4655. We can help you maintain or upgrade your system for the best results.

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