Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

3 Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair

3 Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair

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As winter approaches, it’s time to start thinking about heating your house. Although maintaining your furnace is important to regulate the temperature in your house efficiently and effectively, even the best-maintained furnace will sometimes need professional repairs. Let’s look at some warning signs that you need to call a technician about your furnace.

Unusual Noises

A furnace will always make noise when it turns on and air starts to blow through, but it’s the strange and sudden noises that should worry you. If you start hearing groaning, banging, or whining noises, your furnace might have a loose or unbalanced belt, an air leak, an ignition problem, or an old part that needs replacing. A new, strange noise from your furnace could be a warning sign of something more serious. If you hear an unusual noise coming from your furnace, call a professional HVAC technician immediately.

Your Thermostat Isn’t Working

If warmth doesn’t come when you turn up the furnace dial, you may have a faulty thermostat, leaking ducts, or a problem with your pilot light. You may also have a problem if some rooms are too hot while others are too cold or if you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat to stay comfortable. A licensed HVAC technician can offer a quick and effective solution to your problem.

Yellow Pilot Light

A properly functioning furnace should have a blue flame. A yellow furnace flame could indicate incomplete combustion due to obstructed airflow, which produces carbon monoxide. A professional HVAC technician can offer preventive maintenance to keep your flame blue with a balanced level of gases.

Furnaces tend to break down as they age. To keep your furnace running at peak efficiency for its entire lifespan, make sure to inspect it regularly. If your furnace has needed repair more than once in the last two years, it might be time to replace it. Call Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 469-846-8339 for preventive maintenance services, furnace repairs, or installation.


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