Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

3 Reasons Your Home Has Cold Spots

3 Reasons Your Home Has Cold Spots

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Even in McKinney, Texas, we have occasion to turn on our heaters for a few months out of the year. But you might find that sometimes the unit heats up the entire house, except for a couple of random cold spots in a few of your rooms. Walking through these spots is uncomfortable and annoying. We can help you decipher the reason behind the cold spots and fix the problem for you.

Your Thermostat Is in the Wrong Spot

The thermostat needs specific placement to properly gauge the temperature in your home. If it’s in a bad spot, such as direct sunlight, beneath a vent, or on an exterior wall, it will not read the temperature accurately and you’ll get a skewed result in the rest of your home. You can do some research on placing your thermostat, or just call us. We’re experts at thermostat placement and are happy to advise you.

Your Ducts Are Leaking

Are some rooms perfect while others are basically freezing? You might have a significant duct leak, which means that instead of reaching every room of the house, some of your hot air is escaping through the ducts where it shouldn’t. Give us a call, and have us inspect your ducts; we’ll find and seal the leaks causing these problems.

Your Furnace Is the Wrong Size

The air that blows from your vents must reach every room. An incorrectly sized furnace either blows too much warm air or not enough. In the first instance, your thermostat will shut the furnace off before it’s been on long enough to heat every square inch of your home. In the second instance, the furnace might not be powerful enough to heat every corner of the house. Have us do a load calculation to determine if this is the problem.

Are you ready to tackle those cold spots? Call Bill Joplin’s today at 469-846-8339 so we can send one of our qualified technicians over to your place. Don’t suffer through even one uncomfortable day during the Texas winter.


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