Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

3 Benefits of a High-Efficiency HVAC System

3 Benefits of a High-Efficiency HVAC System

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According to recent studies from the U.S. Department of Energy, heating and cooling accounts for 48 percent of energy usage in the home, making it the largest source of energy consumption in residential settings. With such a large amount of energy usage, it becomes important for homeowners to make educated decisions when it comes to their home HVAC systems. If you’re looking to transition to a high-efficiency system for your Dallas, Texas, home, here are a few of the benefits.

The System Lasts Longer

Because high-efficiency HVAC systems are designed to maximize efficiency through on-off cycles, they have longer life spans than older, traditional systems. When coupled with routine maintenance and a smart thermostat, there’s seemingly no limit to how long you can keep one of these systems in place.

Improved Home Value

While some home improvements cost a ton without adding significant value to the home, a new, high-efficiency HVAC system provides not only lower bills, but also a selling point if you plan to part with the home in the future. When buyers look at homes, they weigh the cost of energy bills, HVAC repairs, and HVAC replacement. With a new system in your home, you won’t have to worry about lowering the price because of an outdated furnace or air conditioner.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Going green isn’t just a fad. It’s actually a great way to improve the environment for future generations while also feeling good about yourself. High-efficiency HVAC systems provide comfort while also minimizing energy usage, which cuts down on carbon emissions. If you’re looking to switch for this reason, look for units with the Energy Star logo.

No matter your reason for going to a high-efficiency HVAC system, you’ll immediately reap the benefits of superior comfort, lower bills, and reduced energy consumption. If you need someone to help you find the right system or you require expert installation, call the technicians at Bill Joplin’s. You can reach us at 888-414-4655.


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