Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Your Air Conditioning System is a Machine with Muscles -Utilize Its Power

Your home’s air conditioning system has a number of functions in addition to providing you with cool air. The technology incorporated into today’s systems include the ability to keep your indoor air quality at a healthy level and making sure the proper humidity is maintained, all of which protects your family members and home furnishings from the proliferation of mold, mildew, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dander, dust and other pollutants.

Our infographic titled “Machine Muscle” takes you through some of the technology that is a part of your air conditioning system. Make sure you’re using all of the components properly so you can use all of your ‘machine’s muscle’.

And if your current system is nearing the end of it’s life cycle, use this as a basis to consider a new air conditioning installation. Carrier’s Infinity® 21 Central Air Conditioner was determined by Consumer’s Digest to be a Best Buy® Winner. Additional efficiency and indoor air quality options are available so please feel free to call us and ask any questions at 888-414-4655.

Take a look at our full Infographic by clicking here or click on the partial graphic below.

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