Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

What’s the Best Way to Operate a Ductless System?

What’s the Best Way to Operate a Ductless System?Ductless systems can prove to be highly efficient for keeping comfortable in the sweltering McKinney summers and chilly winters. Exactly how much benefit you get from your system, however, depends on how you use and care for it.

A ductless system is very similar to a conventional heat pump. Just like a heat pump, it can both heat and cool, and it uses an outdoor condenser unit. The difference is that a ductless system blows warm or cool air directly into the room through a small indoor air handler on the wall, ceiling or floor.

Caring for Your System

Ductless systems last 12 to 15 years on average, but our area’s humidity causes added strain, potentially shortening system life span. That makes proper maintenance especially important.

Clean the air filter on schedule to prevent airflow issues that impair your system’s efficiency, strain the components and reduce indoor air quality. During the heating and cooling seasons, a catechin filter should be removed and vacuumed clean every two weeks.

Dead leaves and other debris stuck to the outdoor unit also cause airflow and performance problems. Every now and then, check on the outdoor unit and clear debris from the exterior. Keep plants trimmed back to at least 18 inches away from the unit.

Just like a heat pump, your ductless system should receive a professional inspection and cleaning twice a year.

What If Something Goes Wrong?

If your remote stops working, first try pressing the reset button. If that doesn’t help, replace the batteries. If the remote still doesn’t work, contact the manufacturer.

If water is dripping from the indoor component, it’s likely caused by a blocked condensate line or by running your system in cooling mode when temperatures are below 65 degrees. Clear a clogged condensate line by sucking out debris with a wet vac.

Learn more about Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating’s ductless systems, or call 888-414-4655 to schedule an appointment.

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