Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

What Experts Know about Furnace Repair in Addison, TX

At Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating, we've been providing furnace repair in Addison, TX for over 30 years. As experts, we know there are times when customers need us for a furnace repair in Addison, TX and times when they really don't. Approximately one-quarter of our service calls could be remedied with a simple do-it-yourself-fix. As an honest and helpful HVAC contractor, we like to educate our customers on some easy fixes they can do themselves in order to save the expense of a service call in Addison, TX.

Easy Fixes for Furnace Repair

Often, the thermostat is the culprit for the problem. Before you assume there's a furnace problem and need a furnace repair, make sure the switch is on heat rather than cool. You can also try setting the temperature five degrees higher than the room temperature to see if that causes the furnace to kick on. If you've done any recent remodeling, you may have caused a break in one of the thermostat wires. Check the lines, and do an easy fix with electrical tape. It may also be that the thermostat just needs a new battery. If the contacts in the thermostat are dirty, blow out any dust or clean them with a wire brush. 

It may sound silly, but many of our technicians find that the only repair a furnace needs is to be turned on. Make sure the standard wall switch is on, and check the circuit breaker and fuse for the furnace as well. You can easily replace a blown fuse. In addition, make sure the front panel covering the blower motor is fastened tightly. There is a push-in switch underneath that must be depressed for operation.

Dirty air filters are common causes for furnace problems, and a clogged filter can cause a furnace to shut down. When an air filter gets too clogged, it will cause the heat exchanger to overheat, and the furnace will automatically shut down. The soot build up on the heat exchanger also lessens the unit's efficiency and life expectancy. We always recommend our customers to inspect their air filters once a month. Hold them up to the light. If you can't see through them, it's time for a replacement or cleaning. Most manufacturers of pleated filters recommend changing them once every three months. However, if you have pets or generate a lot of dust, we advise changing them once a month.

Also, make sure the gas in on and the chimney exhaust flue is clear. Someone may have turned the gas valve off and just forgotten to turn it back on. Sometimes, debris or birds may be clogging the ducts. You can easily remove the duct where it exits the furnace and check for any debris. You can also check the drain lines. Often, high efficiency furnaces drain gallons of water a day during the colder seasons. The lines may be clogged with mold or sediment. If the hose line looks dirty, remove it and flush out with bleach and water.

If some of these common solutions don't fix the problem, then it's time for a service call to Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating for a furnace repair.

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