Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Top 3 Smart Technologies for Your Heat Pump

Top 3 Smart Technologies for Your Heat Pump

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Thanks to recent innovations in the HVAC industry, furnaces, and heat pumps have become more energy-efficient units. New heat pump technology grants homeowners in Texas, the opportunity to save money on energy bills and have greater control over temperatures in their homes. If you want to upgrade or replace your heat pump, consider smart technologies such as smart thermostats, zoning control, and auxiliary heat control.

Smart Thermostats

If you have a hybrid system, you can use a smart thermostat to alternate between the furnace and the heat pump to boost comfort and maximize energy efficiency. Smart thermostats will monitor outdoor and indoor temperatures and automatically switch between the furnace and the heat pump. If temperatures are moderately cold inside, the heat pump will activate. Otherwise, the furnace will turn on if temperatures are quite cold inside.

Auxiliary Heat Control

While heat pumps are more energy-efficient units than furnaces, they also take longer to heat a home, especially in cold weather. If your heat pump isn’t heating your home quickly enough, you can use auxiliary heat control. Auxiliary heat is less efficient, but it has the power to heat your home quickly.

You can use the auxiliary heat control feature to set an auxiliary lockout (AUX) temperature. For example, if 40 degrees Fahrenheit is your AUX lockout temperature, the auxiliary heat will turn on only when temperatures are colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit outside. That way, you can use auxiliary heat only when necessary for the comfort of your home’s occupants.

Zoning Control

Zoning control can help you save energy and money by allowing you to decide which rooms you’ll heat inside your home. In rooms without occupants, you can use zoning control to make sure the heat pump doesn’t heat these rooms.

Undoubtedly, smart technology is gaining attention among energy- and money-conscious homeowners, and for good reason. If you want to learn more about smart technology for your home’s heating system, talk to one of our skilled technicians from Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating by calling 888-414-4655.

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