Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

The Ways In Which Energy Efficiency Ratings (AFUE, SEER, HSPF) Affect Savings in Collin County

You had an energy auditor perform a whole house energy evaluation that revealed energy loss and inefficient HVAC equipment. Energy efficiency ratings list the efficiency of furnaces, air conditioners, and heat pumps. At Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating, we understand the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, and Heating Season Performance Factor. We service customers in Collin County, Texas and the surrounding areas. 

Energy Efficiency Ratings

Air conditioners use SEER that measures the required energy it takes to maintain a set temperature. Purchase a system with 13 or higher SEER, which lowers the cost of energy by approximately 20% to 40% annually.

The AFUE for furnaces and boilers compare the systems' fuel consumption with the ratio of heat output over one year. A rating of 70% means it takes 70% of energy in the fuel to heat the home and the remaining 30% escapes from unsealed areas. If the system is 97% efficient, you could save approximately half on utility bills.

Heat pumps have HSPF energy efficiency ratings. The HSPF is the total space of your home divided by the energy used for a heating season. For the most savings, purchase a system with a SEER above 12 and a HSPF over seven. You could save approximately 25% to 60% on heating and cooling.

Energy Auditor Evaluation

An energy auditor performs an evaluation of a building and HVAC equipment. The audit measures air leaks from door and window frames and cracks in walls. If you have questions, ask the energy auditor about the evaluation results.

Residents living in and around Collin County, Texas have counted on Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating for HVAC service since 1978. Our certified technicians install, repair, and service all brands of HVAC equipment. We understand how energy efficiency ratings save energy and money.

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