Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Save Money and Stay Cool in Collin County, TX

Summer is coming and the hot weather will soon affect your Collin County, TX home and the comfort of you and your family. As a homeowner, opening utility bills that increase month after month is a frustrating experience. Our air conditioning repair and installation technicians offer these tips on how you can save money and stay cool in Collin County, TX this summer.

Making a few changes in your daily routines may save you hundreds of dollars a year on your utility bills and increase your comfort level. Run heat generating appliances such as your clothes dryer and dishwasher in the late evening hours when energy rates are lower. Use exhaust fans while showering and cooking to dissipate the hot and humid air.

Air Conditioning Maintenance
Maintaining your air conditioning system is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to stay cool in your Collin County, TX home. Our air conditioning repair and installation technicians recommend checking the air filter monthly and replacing it at least every three months or more often if someone in your home smokes, has allergies or if you have pets that shed. Other important air conditioning maintenance includes cleaning the coils, motor and fan, cleaning and draining the condensate line and removing indoor and outdoor debris that may obscure airflow.

Air Conditioning Repair and Installation
Foregoing a needed air conditioning repair and installation in your Collin County, TX home causes your air conditioning system to operate inefficiently. When using an air conditioner that is more than 10 years old or in disrepair, your system uses more energy in its attempts to cool your home. Our air conditioning repair and installation technicians offer affordable repairs and perform installations of new high efficiency air conditioning systems that will reduce your monthly utility bills.

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