Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Peak Performance From The New Heat Pump in Your McKinney-Area Home

What are you doing to ensure peak performance from the new heat pump in your McKinney-area home? The obvious way is to select an energy-efficient heat pump with an Energy Star rating. But preparation is required before your new heat pump is installed.

  • Seal gaps in your home’s outer envelope: This decreases air infiltration and makes your home more energy efficient. A home that leaks less also requires a less powerful heat pump to keep it comfortable year round. That’s good news for McKinney homeowners, because both the purchase price and operating costs are lower when a smaller heat pump can get the job done.
  • Have a load calculation done: A professional load calculation is the process of determining how much heating and cooling your home requires to maintain a comfortable temperature. By knowing your home’s load, you can size your new heat pump correctly. A load calculation should never be done on a rule-of-thumb basis. This often results in an oversized heat pump. Instead, the contractor should use complex calculations that take home size and orientation, climate, occupancy, sun exposure and other considerations into account.
  • Install ductwork within the home’s outer envelope: Whenever possible, install new ductwork in the conditioned area of your home, as opposed to the attic, garage or crawlspace. This strategy is a major energy saver.
  • Seal and insulate ductwork: Especially if you have no option but to install ductwork in an unconditioned space, ease energy loss by sealing the ductwork and insulating it to an R-value of 8. This prevents leaks and heat gain or loss through conduction.
  • Choose an installation spot: It’s best to install a new heat pump on the north or east side of your home where it’s shaded by the house during the hottest times of day in the summer. If this isn’t possible, pick another shady spot, and clear vegetation out of the way so airflow remains at the optimal level.

With these preparations complete, you’re ready to choose and install a new heat pump. For more information, contact Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating in McKinney.

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