Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Optimizing Ceiling Fans for Home Cooling and Energy Efficiency

Optimizing Ceiling Fans for Home Cooling and Energy EfficiencyAs temperatures rise around McKinney, thoughts turn from heating to cooling, and the high cost of keeping your home comfortable throughout the summer. This year, give your A/C a break, supplementing with ceiling fans to save energy. Here are some great tips to get the most from your fans, and optimize your savings.

Change Directions

Ceiling fans have a switch or pull chain on the fan itself, or a button on the remote, for the purpose of changing the direction of the fan blades according to season:

Cooling Season – Fan blades should rotate counter-clockwise, which forces the air directly down upon you. As the fast moving air created by the fan hits your skin, it causes the wind chill effect, increasing the evaporation rate of perspiration, and making you feel cooler. As a result, you can turn up the thermostat by several degrees and still feel comfortable. But since the effect works only on people, and not rooms, turn off the fan when you leave the room to maximize savings.

Heating Season – Fan blades should rotate clockwise, drawing air up from the floor, mixing it with warmer air that has risen to the ceiling, and gently returning it down towards your living space. This relieves the burden on your heating system, and allows you to set your thermostat several degrees lower.

Perform Maintenance

As with any appliance, periodic maintenance is required to keep your fan working smoothly and efficiently. In addition to changing the fan direction, perform the following tasks:

Clean – Dust accumulates on the fan blades, which can slow them down, or set them off balance. Turn off the power before climbing up and wiping the blades with a soft, damp cloth.
Lubricate – Not all fans require lubrication: consult the owner’s manual before proceeding, following the directions listed there.
Inspect – Turn the fan off before inspecting the blades and housing for signs of wear and tear, tightening any loose screws along the way.

Learn more optimizing ceiling fans, and improving air conditioner efficiency, from Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning and Heating, or give them a call at 469-846-8339.

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