Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Install Hybrid Heat in Your New Home

Install Hybrid Heat in Your New Home

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Picking the best heating solution for a Celina, Texas, home is complicated. Texas doesn’t have the frigid temperatures of the north, nor does it experience a winter that lasts for five months. That doesn’t mean Texas doesn’t see some cold days during the frosty season. Here are a few reasons we think hybrid heat is a great solution for warming a Texas home.

Dual Fuel

Do you really need a furnace in Texas? That answer is more complicated than you think. You see, air-source heat pumps, a popular heating solution in Texas, stop being energy-efficient once the temperature drops below freezing. Most days you don’t need to worry about that, but we all know we experience some pretty chilly Texas nights.

Hybrid heat means two heating systems: a heat pump for most days, and a gas furnace for those days and nights when the heat pump loses too much efficiency. Intelligent hybrid heating systems calculate the energy-efficiency of both systems and switch when it’s best for your utility bills.

Variable Speed

Advanced heat pump systems also come with variable speed controls. When you only need a little heat, the motor doesn’t run at full capacity. When you need a ton of power, the system automatically switches to 100 percent effort. When this technology is combined with a hybrid heat system, you’re getting the very best in energy-efficiency.

No Additional AC

That heat pump taking care of most of your heating needs? It also cools your home in summer. That’s why heat pumps are such a popular and energy-efficient choice for Texas. Don’t buy more systems than you need; reduce your costs by reducing your equipment and your overall installation time.

If you’re building a new home or installing a new HVAC system in an existing home, think about hybrid heat. Call Bill Joplin’s at 469-846-8339 to find out more about the system or to schedule an appointment.


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