Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

How to Go Green With a Geothermal Heat Pump

How to Go Green With a Geothermal Heat Pump

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With climbing electricity bills and increasingly reliable alternative energy sources, are you thinking about making the switch to geothermal energy? Go green at your McKinney, Texas, home — discover how geothermal heat pumps offer lower energy consumption, reduced emissions, and a longer equipment lifespan.

Lower Energy Consumption

Geothermal heat pumps draw energy from underground, where the temperature remains relatively consistent year-round. In the winter, lingering warmth in the ground means the unit requires much less energy to keep your home warm.

The opposite is true in the summer, when the cool ground helps to keep your home equally cool. No matter the season, a geothermal heat pump requires much less electricity to support a comfortable temperature.

Reduced Emissions

Standard heating and cooling systems rely on electricity, natural gas, and fossil fuels to keep your home comfortable throughout the year. As a result, these systems release a significant amount of emissions back into the atmosphere. In fact, residential and commercial heating, cooling, and hot water systems in the United States produce 40 percent of the nation’s emissions.

Since geothermal systems largely rely on energy from the ground underneath your home, they generate a fraction of the emissions that a standard system creates. Making the switch to geothermal energy can have a major impact on your carbon footprint.

Longer Equipment Lifespan

If you’ve always had a standard heating and cooling system, replacing the air conditioner, heat pump, or furnace every 10 years might not seem unusual. When you consider that geothermal heat pumps last for an average of 25 years, however, you’ll see how much waste a standard system generates. Since the underground components of a geothermal system generally last for 25 years or longer, installing a geothermal system becomes a smart way to go green.

Whether you’re driven by reducing your energy consumption or extending the life of your HVAC equipment, a geothermal heat pump can be an investment worth considering. To learn more about your options, call our cooling and heating experts at Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 888-414-4655.


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