Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

How Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in your Collin County Home Affects You

Air is something you don’t see, so it may also be something you don’t think about. Unfortunately, there are many microscopic pollutants in the air that can make you and your family sick. Common indoor air pollutants include dust mites, fumes from household chemicals, pet dander, mold and many more. If you are concerned about the health of your family as well as being more energy efficient, contact a Collins County, Texas, AC and heating repair and installation provider as soon as you can.

When a certified HVAC system technician comes to your home, he or she will first check your furnace and air conditioning systems for typical air pollution problems. This may be anything from a dirty furnace filter, to mold growth in the coils of your air conditioner. These are problems you can take care of on your own without too much trouble. Your Collins County AC and heating repair and installation provider may also recommend that you invest in a humidifier or an air purifier. These products help to keep your air fresh by pulling in polluted air, recycling it and re-releasing it as clean air. Like your HVAC system, they require regular maintenance to stay in optimal operating condition.

Improving the quality of the indoor air in your home can go a long way toward improving everyone’s health, especially those with symptoms of allergies or asthma. After an AC heating and repair installation provider helps to improve air circulation, problems with sneezing, coughing, itching, watery eyes, congestion and difficulty breathing should clear up shortly. You can also do such things as eliminate smoking in the home, have hardwood floors instead of carpeting, and wash pillows and other bedding in hot water. The last two solutions help to get rid of places for dust mites to burrow.

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