Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Here is How a Programmable Thermostat Promotes Savings in Your North Texas Home

As you are likely well aware, summers in the McKinney area can get quite scorching. On the extra hot days, in particular, you probably seek refuge in your cooled home environment. While having a reliable air conditioner is important, if you’re not using a programmable thermostat, you could be wasting heaps of money every year cooling your home at times you don’t need to. Programmable thermostats don’t just help you save money during the summer; they can be used to help control winter heating costs as well. Learn more about this handy tool and how to pick the best one for your household’s needs.

Choosing a Programmable Thermostat

Consider your family’s typical weekly and daily schedules when deciding which of the following thermostats to choose:

7-Day Thermostats

These models offer the greatest flexibility. If your family gets home at different times on the different days of the week, a 7-day thermostat is ideal. It allows you to program a schedule for each day of the week, often with four temperature changes in a day.

5+2-Day Thermostats

With a 5+2-day thermostat you can schedule one program for weekdays and another for the weekend.

5-1-1-Day Thermostats

If your schedule stays consistent throughout the weekdays, but is different on Saturday from Sunday, this model is best suited for you.

Tips for Maximizing a Programmable Thermostat’s Usefulness

  • Program your thermostat to energy-saving temperatures for long blocks of time (at least eight hours) during the hours you’re typically out and when you’re in bed.
  • Stick to the schedule you’ve set and avoid overriding it to prevent using extra energy.
  • Use the “hold” feature when you’re away from home for the weekend or extended periods of time, making sure to program it to an energy-saving temperature.
  • Install the thermostat on an interior wall, away from heating and cooling registers, direct sunlight, doors or any other potential heat source.
  • Change the batteries once every year, if applicable.

If you need a contractor in the McKinney or Frisco area to help you with your programmable thermostat, please contact us at Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating anytime.

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