Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

How a Ductless Air Conditioning System Will Save You Money

How a Ductless Air Conditioning System Will Save You Money

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Ductless air conditioning systems (otherwise known as mini-split or multi-split systems) have recently seen some extra time in the spotlight. So what’s with all the hype? Should homeowners in McKinney, Texas, jump on this train? That’s up to you, but ductless systems certainly have their advantages. Thanks to the lack of a duct network and the ability to “zone” your home, a ductless air conditioning system may save you more money than you realize.

Ductless Air Conditioning

Standard air conditioning systems force warmed or cooled air through a system of ducts to your living space. This method certainly has its advantages, but many duct systems actually decrease both HVAC efficiency and indoor air quality. A ductless air conditioner, on the other hand, moves refrigerant directly between the outdoor compressor and the indoor air handling unit, where a fan in the unit blows the cooled air directly into the room.

Without a duct system to lose air and comfort, your living space is directly fed. This prevents loss of comfort and a high utility bill, as a standard HVAC system works harder to compensate for lost efficiency.


In addition to a lack of duct network, ductless air conditioning also allows homeowners to “zone” their home. Let’s explore that term for a moment. Are there spots in your home that aren’t often used? Do you have family members who prefer drastically different temperatures than you? Zoning will fix both of those problems.

Since indoor air handlers in a ductless systems are placed directly in living spaces, you are able to personalize what rooms are heated and cooled, and to what extent. You may be losing money in rooms that aren’t used very much but are constantly kept at the same temperature as the rest of the home. You can have as many air handlers in your home as you want, allowing for versatile personalization.

Ductless air conditioning systems come with a host of advantages that will drastically drop your utility costs. Does a ductless system sound perfect for your home? If so, give Bill Joplin’s a call at 888-414-4655.


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