Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Common Causes of Evaporator Coil Leaks in Your McKinney Home

A key component of your cooling system is the indoor evaporator coil that carries the chilled refrigerant to absorb the heat from your home. Although rarer in drier climates, evaporator coil leaks do happen in hot, humid climates like ours. The good news is that these leaks are nearly 100 percent preventable.

The evaporator coil is made from copper that reacts with air, humidity and volatile organic compound (VOCs) in the air to create formic acid. As the reaction occurs, the copper gets thinner, promoting weaknesses in the coil. Since the refrigerant enters the coil under pressure, eventually the weakened areas can develop leaks. The toxic refrigerant solution will enter your home’s air supply, which can have serious health consequences.

Older systems that use refrigerant pose the greatest danger, but breathing any refrigerant isn’t advisable. Having to replace the evaporator coil may also require replacement of the outside condensing coil, and this repair can be expensive, both in terms of money and lost comfort while the system is down.

Dust also can cause eventual evaporator coil leaks indirectly with the same consequences as the chemical reaction. Refrigerant is lost, and your cooling system or heat pump will eventually stop working.

  • Avoid using VOC-containing materials in your home. These chemicals often come with common household cleaning products, air fresheners, new carpeting, some types of paint and new furniture. As the dangers of VOCs have become more widely known, some manufacturers have started providing alternative products. Look for the label that states the product contains low VOCs or none. Besides harming the evaporator coil, these gases can have serious health side effects for sensitive people.
  • Work with your HVAC contractor to increase fresh air ventilation during the cooling season without compromising your home’s energy efficiency.
  • Keep the evaporator coil clean. If you can’t access it, ask your HVAC contractor to clean it during annual servicing.

The pros at Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating can help you avoid evaporator coil leaks through professional maintenance and fresh air ventilation. We’ve provided exceptional HVAC services for Collin County and the surrounding area since 1978.

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