Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Clean A/C Coils Boost Your System's Efficiency

Did you know that your A/C coils help provide cooling to your home? The coils, known as the condenser and evaporator coils, are usually made of copper and aluminum. The evaporator coil helps to provide cooling by absorbing heat from the A/C’s fan. The condenser coil blocks the heat as the fan blows air from the outside. Over time, these coils can become dirty with dust, mold and other pollutants, which is why it’s important to keep them clean.

Keeping your A/C unit clean, especially the A/C coils, also helps to ensure that your air conditioner runs efficiently. When coils become soiled, they cause your energy consumption to increase, resulting in larger heating and cooling bills. The buildup of dirt can also cause your system to break down, adding up to costly repairs.

To keep your coils running properly, you should clean them four times per year. The cleaning process ranges from blowing low pressure air across the coils to allowing a mild cleanser to saturate the coils for a period of time. One of the most popular cleaning methods involves the use of pressure cleaners. Although this cleaning method is effective, it must be done with care because you don’t want to release pollutants into the air. It’s also essential to make sure to wash the coils in the opposite direction of the air flow and not to damage the tube fins.

In addition to cleaning the coils, also clean the condensate pan. This pan collects the water vapor from air moving over the cooling coil. As a result of it being wet, organisms can build up and get into your indoor air. Reduce the buildup by cleaning the pan regularly. Routine A/C maintenance is essential to keep an energy-efficient home.

For more expert advice about keeping your A/C coils clean and other issues related to home comfort, please contact Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating. We’ve been serving the Frisco, Allen and McKinney areas for over 30 years. 

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