Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

4 High-Tech HVAC Solutions for Texas Homeowners

4 High-Tech HVAC Solutions for Texas Homeowners

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High-tech HVAC solutions can be smart options for McKinney, Texas homeowners who want to improve their indoor comfort levels despite extreme temperatures. If you’re in the market for the most innovative heating and cooling products available, consider upgrading to the following units.

Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal heat pumps tap into the natural heat source beneath the earth, drawing it into your home during the winter and transferring it out during the summer. Although the initial investment can be costly, a geothermal system will more than pay for itself after a few short years. Operating costs are also much lower than conventional systems and can be as much as 70 percent lower.

Ductless Heating and Cooling

Traditional HVAC systems force heated and cooled air to move through the house via ductwork, but ductless systems deliver air right where it’s needed. Ductless systems feature a small outdoor unit and as many indoor units as your home needs, giving you more control over your home’s indoor comfort levels. These units also save money on energy costs because they require less power to operate.

Whole-Home Air Cleaners

Improving indoor air quality is essential for most homeowners, and a central air cleaner that works with your existing HVAC system makes that task possible. These air cleaners use a combination of HEPA or MERV filters and electrostatic polarization, which can remove even the tiniest particles from the air. Best of all, whole-home air cleaners are easy to maintain, requiring a cleaning and filter replacement just once every one to two months.

Programmable Thermostats

Keeping a close eye on your conventional thermostat can be tedious. With a programmable thermostat, you never have to worry about making multiple temperature adjustments throughout the day because your thermostat will automatically do it for you. These user-friendly thermostats even feature perks such as remote access, so you can adjust your home’s temperature from your smartphone.

Learn more about the latest in cooling and heating product innovation by contacting Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning and Heating services at 888-414-4655.

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