Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

4 Reasons to Use a Humidifier This Winter

4 Reasons to Use a Humidifier This Winter

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Winters tend to be dry in McKinney, Texas, which can cause a number of issues for homeowners, including decreased comfort and poor indoor air quality. Whole-home humidification provides the perfect solution for several reasons, including the following.

Reduced Risk of Infections

When you or someone in your family does come down with the cold or flu, a humidifier can shorten the illness. Bacteria and viruses travel easily in dry air. When the air is moist, however, they won’t go as far, which could be the difference between your family coming down with the flu or staying healthy until spring. Another thing people notice when the air is too dry is that their sinuses dry out. This can cause a scratchy throat and nose, which isn’t pleasant. To alleviate the problem, simply boost your home’s humidity this winter.

Softer Skin

Another problem with dry air is that it dries out the skin, which is why so many people deal with chapped lips and hands this time of year. Whole-home humidification puts some of that much-needed moisture back into the air, resulting in more vibrant, softer skin.

Healthier Indoor Plants

If your houseplants seem to suffer during the winter months, it may be because the air is too dry. Plants absorb water and nutrients from their leaves and roots. Humidified air keeps the leaves and soil moist, ensuring those potted plants remain healthy year-round.

Improved Sleep

Humidity also helps alleviate snoring, which can provide you with a more peaceful night’s sleep. In addition, a moist environment is more comfortable and feels warmer than a dry one. You’re also less likely to wake up with a growling morning voice.

With so many reasons to love whole-home humidification, why not research your indoor air quality options for your HVAC? Call Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 888-414-4655 to speak with a technician today.


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